2006 – 2009 feasibility study & City Council support
Original SPLASH efforts
Born from Bellevue high school parent efforts to address inadequate aquatics facility needs, the original SPLASH stands for Swimming Pools for Leisure, Active Sports and Health. SPLASH worked with the City of Bellevue and City Council to support a 2009 Aquatics Feasibility Study conducted by the City. SPLASH advocated and found support for a regional scale facility that included a 50m pool, 25y training pool, leisure pool and warm water therapy. In 2009, the economy crashed and a giant pause button was hit.
Early 2017
SPLASHForward Inception
Revitalization of SPLASH efforts as SPLASHForward with renewed focus on the aquatics needs of the community and coordination with regional efforts.
Fall 2017 – present
SPLASHForward Data Gathering
Engagement & Data Gathering with Local, Regional and National Aquatics Communities.
Partnership with City of Bellevue, Bellevue City Council, Bellevue School District & King County
Jan 2019
Bellevue Aquatics Feasibility Study Update
In March 2018, Bellevue City Council approved $250K to allow the City to proceed to detail the scope, site, build & operating costs, programming details, revenue generation, economic impact, etc. for a new aquatics center so that Council can make an informed decision on whether to proceed or not. An RFQ (Request for Qualifications) was put out in June 2018.
In November 2018, the Bellevue City Council approved an agreement with ARC Architects to lead an update to the 2009 Aquatics Feasibility Study.
2019 - 2020 Timeline
City of Bellevue, Bellevue School District and Regional Aquatics (King County facilitated aquatics effort with Bellevue, Redmond and Kirkland) milestones.

January 2019
City of Bellevue commences Aquatics Feasibility Update led by ARC Architects.
SPLASHForward is a stakeholder and working with our aquatics consultant Isaac Sports Group to enhance, strengthen and compliment the City’s and ARC’s work.
October 2019
Regional Aquatics Group (King County, Bellevue, Redmond & Kirkland) delivers Regional Aquatics Report that aims to summarize the great need and justify the number of new facilities needed to fill the need. Initially intended to be a feasibility study, the effort evolved into more of a report compiling the respective city’s efforts to date to reflect the need and possible options.
February 2020
Kirkland and Redmond City Council separately review the Regional Aquatics Report and direct staff to continue participation in regional aquatics efforts.
February 2020
Bellevue School District (BSD) bond package passes and was led by the BSD Growth and Planning Committee. Funding for an Aquatics Center with the City of Bellevue and SplashForward was evaluated and determined that the existing or future Tech Levy would be the recommended funding source.
August 2020
Bellevue City Council reviewed the Aquatic Center Feasibility Study including technical design options and provided feedback to City staff to proceed with design option refinement and site refinement, ruling out both Marymoor and Lincoln Center sites leaving Bellevue College and Airfield Park as potential city owned sites. Council also gave direction to include private site locations and emphasized equity especially to low income families, environmental stewardship in facility and site design, and partnership development.
Bellevue School District Bond Package options to be presented to School Board. Board to make decision on bond package and it’s timing.