Building Awareness
Check out what we’re doing in the community to raise awareness on the importance and benefits of access to aquatics. These offerings are the foundation on which we will build program offerings once a new facility is built.
All of these initiatives require community partnerships that we plan to embrace and build upon every year.
Do you want to get involved or have an idea, contact us!
Our Every 2nd Grader Learns to Swim Program is a grant recipient of the Ignite Kirkland Community Giving Campaign presented by the Kirkland Parks and Community Foundation.
Our first ever awareness event with Olympians was a hit! Click the image above to watch the replay!
The event is aimed at all youth in our community to raise awareness on the benefits of healthy lifestyles through aquatics and the important lifesaving skill of knowing how to swim.
- Three-time Olympian Elizabeth Beisel as the event host
- Pacific Northwest Native and Olympic Gold Medalist Megan (Quann) Jendrick
- PNW Resident and six-time Olympic Medalist Rebecca Soni
- Appearances by local PNW Olympians Tom Malchow and Margaret Hoelzer
Olympians talk about their journeys, the importance of aquatics and healthy lifestyles, share how access to aquatics gave them a platform to build confidence, set and reach goals, be better students, and cope with the current pandemic.
The event includes an active dryland workout and a brief Q&A session! Dress in active clothes and be on a comfortable surface for the active part!
SPLASHForward wants to give kids inspiration and hope during a time when much of their typical active lifestyles have changed dramatically. Our vision of a brighter future with access to aquatics for everyone is our daily motivator in bringing new world-class public health and aquatics facilities to our region.
A word from our sponsors
”Myrtha believes access to aquatics is important and beneficial. Through innovation and partnership, we provide resilient facilities for all pool market segments to help promote safe enjoyment and wellness, advance the sport of swimming, support swimmers of all levels, and to introduce new swimmers to the water.” Myrtha Pools
”Providing support and care to the communities in which we live and work is an important part of Clark Nuber’s culture. Education on water safety and affordable access to aquatics for everyone in the community is an investment that benefits us all. ” Clark Nuber
”At ParentMap, it’s our business to build an inclusive community that informs, engages and inspires Puget Sound parents and families — while having plenty of fun, too! We support SPLASHForward in their endeavor to develop affordable and accessible aquatic programs for families in our community, and provide safe places where kids and parents can have fun.” ParentMap
Virtual Water Safety
We are exploring virtual Water Safety and Learn to Swim offerings with local Cities and partner organizations. We don’t want to let COVID-19 be a barrier to saving lives and enjoying our lakefronts without the risk of drowning!
In 2020, we initiated and supported a life jacket drive with the City of Redmond and brought in our drowning prevention partner No More Under. We are exploring offering this again this year and expanding it to other cities.
In 2021, as the pandemic wears on, kids and adults have had very limited to no access to continuing or starting their learn-to-swim progression. We are exploring a virtual water safety education offering that could be made available to local organizations and possibly through local City Parks and Recreation programming. Our goal is to build this to an ongoing offering to supplement the Learn-to-Swim offerings available to the community.

Drowning is 2nd leading cause of unintentional injury death for children & teens ages 1 to 17 in Washington

High School Lifeguard Training
We believe all high school students should have the opportunity to learn a skill that can save lives.
Our region is in short supply of lifeguards. SPLASHForward would like to do our part to increase the number of lifeguards and provide high school students the opportunity to not only learn lifesaving skills, but also seek employment as a lifeguard at our local pools and beaches.
SPLASHForward is sponsoring lifeguard training for a limited number of current Bellevue School District high school students. Sign up is on a first come first serve basis.
Lifeguarding skills save lives
Aquatics Pathways
We have established a SPLASHForward Aquatics Pathways initiative with the goal to create greater equity to aquatics opportunities for those who do not have or traditionally have not had access either due to affordability of memberships, proximity or lack of access to facilities, or lack of exposure to learning to swim. We acknowledge our country’s history of systemic racism that has created aquatic barriers for many in our black and minority communities to having equitable access to aquatics.
Everyone should have the opportunity to learn water safety skills so that more people can enjoy water-based activities, prevent drownings, and encourage healthy lifestyles.
We are beginning this effort now to lay the foundation so that we can realize future specific programming once a facility opens its doors. We are reaching out into the community, creating partnerships, fostering discussion, and building awareness.
Our communities are surrounded by stunning lakes, rivers, ponds, creeks, and the Puget Sound. Everyone, regardless of age, ability, or background, deserves to enjoy water-based activities without the fear or risk of drowning.

- Every 3rd grader graduating with water safety skills
- Learn to Swim, Water Safety, Physical Therapy, Aquatics Fitness for all ages & abilities
- Year-round oasis & family fun
- Growth in participation in all aquatic sports & activities
- Medical Wellness for pre and post surgery, sports rehab, and special needs
- Senior water based activities & social connections
- A place of great civic pride
- A place where everyone belongs