Accessible Aquatics for All
We advocate for youth, families, seniors, recreational users, athletes, rehabilitation and therapy users. A public aquatics facility should serve ALL members of our community including those who are under-served (the elderly, disabled and teens).
Total Community Health

Aquatics is for ALL residents – ALL ages & abilities
- Accessible to All
- Bridging & Connecting Our Diversity – over 40% Foreign born in Bellevue
- Serves youth, families, active adults, seniors, amateur athletes, special needs
Aquatics promotes Health & Wellness & Community Prevention
- Programming for Infants to Seniors
- Build, maintain and support all activity levels
- Build Community – Exercise, Meetings, Shared Spaces

Inspire our Youth, Serve our Families
- Facility invites & welcomes – A place you want to be
- Grow amateur athletics – all aquatics disciplines, all ages
sample image
Attract local & new residents
- Do business in Bellevue & live in Bellevue

- Centrally located
- Close to light rail & transit
- Accessible by bikes & pedestrians
sample image from UBC Aquatics Centre sketch

Every week my dad brings me to the pool for swim lessons and to play in the Splash area. I have made many new friends and so has my dad! I am ready to safely play in any pool, water feature or lakeside park.


My family loves to go to our pool. I spend all of my time playing in the fun pool with my friends while my Dad plays with my younger brother in the Splash area. My mom loves it because she can go to her yoga class and join us afterwards for a light snack at the cafe before we all head home.

Recreational Users

When I enter the aquatics center either at the end of my day or midday, it feels like my oasis. I get my exercise in, burn off work stress, see my friends, meet new people and always leave feeling recharged. Sometimes my friends and I will hang out and socialize before heading out or I fit in conference call or follow up on work in the comfortable work areas. It’s almost like my second office!


I have been swimming since I was three years old and I absolutely love being on a team. I feel like the aquatic center is my second home and my team is my swim family. Now that I am in middle school, balancing my time between my sport and homework is important. The aquatic center makes this easier with having awesome cubicle and workspaces where me and my swim team friends do our homework either before or after practice depending on my parent’s schedules. I also can easily get a snack or a meal in the café which have the best smoothies!

Masters Athletes

Three times a week, I join my fellow Masters swimmers for a coached workout. I love the people and many are my good friends. Working out with others motivates me and it’s a highlight of my day. Some of us compete, but most of us are here because we want to stay in shape and exercise with others. See you on Wednesday?

Deep Water Athletes

I love to do gymnastics, but an injury forced me to take a break. I learned about synchronized swimming and thought I’d give it a try. Wow, I never knew that you could do gymnastics in the water. It’s so fun! I think everyone should give it a try at least once!

Aquatics Therapy & Rehab

My daughter has muscular dystrophy. Her water time is the best part of her world and she looks forward to it every week. She comes alive. Through her adaptive swim lessons at the aquatic center, she has gone from learning how to be water safe to being on the local Special Olympics team that trains together on Saturdays. Water gives her confidence and freedom to be who she is. This is priceless.

Special Needs

Water has given me a place to feel whole again. After loosing my lower leg, my world changed faster than I was ready for. I was hesitant to try the Adaptive Swimming classes at the aquatics center, but when I learned there were other amputees, I gave it a try. I’m hooked and have found others who deal with similar issues as me. Water really does have healing powers.


I am 67 years old and at my daughter’s suggestion decided to try an H20 Water Aerobics class. I now have new friends, look forward to seeing them at class and socialize with them afterwards. I feel young again!