Join the pool party!
Did you know that our region’s families are spending upwards of 30 MONTHS on learn-to-swim wait lists? Or that it’s been 54 YEARS since the last public pool was built on the Eastside? These are just two examples of how our community’s access to public aquatics and essential swim lessons is embarrassingly underserved—and of why SPLASHFoward is inviting you to join us and become a donor. All donations of all sizes make a difference.

Everyone has a water story
We want to know yours!
Together we will create water stories for generations at a new public aquatic center in Bellevue.
We appreciate your support! All gifts make a difference
What your gift enables
Helps us get the word out each month
Helps us tell your story to influencers
Covers the cost of Lifeguard Training for one high school student.
Allows us to build community and support our Water Safety initiatives
Helps us retain professional services and maintain our nonprofit.
Enables us to attract partners and fully fund a Water Safety initiative
Allows us to hire consultants and market our story
Allows us to refine design options, secure a site, and hire a Development Director
Get’s us to the starting line through our capital campaign.
Any Amount
Any amount that makes sense to you will be warmly received.
We believe our communities are stronger with equitable access to aquatic opportunities.
You can help us bring new public aquatic facilities to our community and create aquatic pathways.
Will you join us?
SPLASHForward Board Members share why they support
Make your donation today!
There are many ways to support SPLASHForward. Choose the option that is right for you!
Make an online donation
Choose ANY of these options
Note: all online payment systems have processing fees. To ensure your donation has the greatest impact, consider covering the processing fees or send us a check.
Washington Gives, formerly GiveBIG, is a year-round donation portal for WA nonprofits.
Send us a check
Make checks payable to: SPLASHForward
Mail to:
721 4th Ave #417
Kirkland, WA 98033
Note: Sending us a check avoids processing fees through online payment systems.
Amplify with Matching Gifts
Check if your company supports matching gifts. They can double or even triple your support!
Most companies have an online matching gift request form. We list a few of our local companies below with links take you to the company’s giving portal. If yours does not have an online portal, request a matching gift form from your employer or spouse’s employer and send it to us.
AirBnB * The Bill and Melina Gates Foundation * Boeing * Expedia * General Electric * Google * Intel * Microsoft * Russell * VISA * Wells Fargo
Mail to:
721 4th Ave #417
Kirkland, WA 98033
SPLASHForward is a a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity
Our tax id is 83-2629157
Make a Stock Transfer
Consider a donation of appreciated securities or common stock as a tax-efficient way of making your gift.
We recommend consulting with your financial advisor or attorney to understand possible tax deductions and how this option may avoid capital gains taxes.
Donor Advised Fund
A donor-advised fund (DAF) provides donors with a centralized charitable giving vehicle.
It allows philanthropically inclined individuals, families, and corporations to make an
irrevocable charitable gift to a public charity that sponsors a DAF program and take an
immediate tax deduction.
If you have a DAF, you can easily recommend a grant using the DAF Direct button below.
More ways to support
Community Partnership with
Coldwell Banker Bain
Each time a SPLASHForward supporter, friend or relative buys or sells a home with SPLASHFoward supporter and real estate broker, Yvette Ross, she and Coldwell Banker Bain will donate an amount equal to 10 percent of her commission to SPLASHForward.
Coldwell Banker Bain established its Community Partnership program as a way for the company and its agents to give back to the organizations that are committed to the welfare of our communities. Since the program was founded, Coldwell Banker Bain agents have donated more than $1.48 million to organizations in the Puget Sound area.
For more information on our SPLASHForward community partnership, contact Lorraine Masse.
Give with Bing
Support SPLASHForward through Give with Bing.
Join Microsoft Rewards, and your Bing searches will earn Rewards points that are automatically donated directly to SPLASHForward.

support our advocacy
Seed Funding
Helps us...
Hire Professional Services
Allow us to continue to work with our aquatics consultant and hire fundraising and marketing professionals to bring us to the starting line.
Reach our community
Through marketing services, help us reach and bring our community's voice to the process
Identify Project Partners
Help us build our 'complete story' to take to potential partners and identify our project champions.
Through generous individuals and aquatics groups, we have raised initial funds to hire an independent nationally recognized aquatics consultant, Isaac Sports Group, to develop a deep regional aquatics analysis to inform the programmatic needs, forecast the economic impact and set the stage to build partnerships.
We need additional funds to continue our work with our aquatics consultant, hire a fundraising consultant to perform a fundraising feasibility study, and support our Aquatics Pathways and High School Lifeguard Training initiatives, and hire marketing and fundraising professionals to raise awareness and bring this project across the finish line.
Let’s talk!
Volunteer your time
We need you to make this happen. Contact us to find out more ways to bring your skills and passions to our efforts.
Your Skills
Do you have professional skills? Marketing? Fundraising? Community Building? Graphic Design?
BE A community connector
Do you want to be a communicator to help spread the word?
Do you want to speak on behalf of SplashForward and share your story?
YOUR services
Do you have services to offer? Printing? Photography?
Sign Up!
Follow Us!
Follow us on social media & invite your friends!